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College Board Final Individual • 7 min read


My reflection on my work for CPT Project

Condensed project overview

We created a game centering around a sort of turn based combat against an invisible AI. The player has the opportunity to either move or attack one of the postions he ajacent to or move to an ajacent space. The game will notify you if the AI is within one space of you and if you hit it you win. However, if the AI hits you before you hit it you will lose. The game will store your wins on the global leaderboard (we ran out of time to do this automatically but we can store wins) and you can choose different classes to enhance your expierence.

My Feature

My feature in the project is ordering and creating the main menu screens as well as the implementation of the JWT tokens in order to differentiate not only admins and players but also individual users.

Link to where I got my Collegboard Requirments

Collegeboard Requirements Me
Instructions for input from one of the following: the user, a device, an online datas stream, a file. Our Project takes input from the player on where they want to move and attack.
Use of at least one list (or other collection type) to represent a collectino of data that is stored and used to manage program complexity and help fulfill the users purpose. An example of a collection of data that is stored is of the collection of class abilities as well as indivual user data such as wins and password.
At least one procedure that contirubted to the program’s intened purpose where you have defined: the name, return type, one or more parameters: This procedure has a name(read), a return(response), and parameters(self):
An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration that is in the body of the selected procedure This function shows the sequencing, selection, and iteration through a list of meme images:
Calls to your student-developed prodcedure: calling queryImages:
Instructions for output (tactile, audible, visual, or ) based on input and program functionality This code is the fetch that displays the user data that was used in the leaderboard screen:

Component B: Video

Link to Video

Collegboard Requirements My Video
Input to program Seen in video, login in which gives the user the jwt token
At least one aspect of the functionality of your program When the token is removed you cannot acces the leaderboard (403 error)
Output produced by program: When you have the jwt token coordinated to your user you can access the leaderboard.
My video does not have: any distinguishing information and voice narration
My video is a .webmb, less than 1 minute in length, less than 30MB in file size.