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Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Week 0 Plan
- Wk 0 Ticket
1 - Week 1 Plan
- Big Idea 5.6 Safe Computing
- Wk 1 Ticket
- Student Teach - Legal and Ethical Concerns of Technology
- Multiple choice response questions
- College Board Final Individual
2 - Week 2 Plan
- Calculator
- Conway's's Game of Life
- Snake game
- 5.4 Crowd-sourcing
- Wk 2 Ticket
- My Python Quiz
- 4.1 - The Internet
- Digital Divide
- Routing
- 5.4 Bias
- JWT Login (python/flask)
- 2021 MCQ reflection
- Titanic Ml
- March Madness
3 - Week 3 Plan
- Team presentation
- Wk 3 Ticket
- Roulette
- Task List Maker

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Week 4 Plan
- Wk 4 Ticket
5 - Week 5 Plan
- Wk 5 Ticket
6 - Week 6 Plan
- Web Programming Basics
- Wk 6 Ticket
7 - Week 7 Plan
- Developing Algorithms
8 - Week 8 Plan
- Data Abstraction
- Data Abstraction Homework
9 - Week 9 Plan
- Iteration Lesson
- Python lists operations
10 - Week 10 Plan
- Boolean, If Lesson
- Python Library's
11 - Week 11 Plan
- Passion Project
12 - Week 12 Plan
- Self Reflection
- College Board Quiz
- Extra Credit