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Multiple choice response questions • 2 min read


Internet and basic protocols

Problems Missed

  • 1: Idk what i was thinking the correct answer is C I assume this was a misclick. Link to Problem:
  • 12: The correct answer is C I miscalculated the binary number.
  • 34: The correct answer is C I misinterpereted the direction of the turn
  • 49: The correct answer is C I accidentally Miscounted the amount of bits required for 100 data points
  • 50: The correct answer is D as I did not know that N^2 was considered a reasonable processing time.
  • 52: You cannot determine the average given only the final outcome and thus the correct answer is A.

Overall I feel like i did really well on this test and I feel like i could have gotten a perfect score if I had thought through my answers more but I still feel like I have a good understanding of the material and am ready for any summative quiz.